What is your Cancelation Policy?

How do I cancel?

You can cancel our services at any time. We do need a phone call or email from the owner, or from our main contact for the payroll, with the date of the last payroll that they will be doing with us. 

How much does canceling cost?

We don’t have a cancelation fee, so zero dollars! 

What happens to my data and other documents?

We will hang on to a copy of everything for our own records, but if there’s any information that you need we would be happy to send it to you. 

Can I start back up again later?

Yes, as long as you left in good standing. 

Will you still pay my taxes for this quarter?

This depends on when you cancel payroll. If you cancel after the date of quarterly filing then we will file your quarterly taxes for you. If you cancel before the date of quarterly filing then that responsibility falls to either you or your new payroll provider.

Will I still get my W2s and 1099s at the end of the year if I cancel?

If your payroll is ending completely then we will send out W2s and 1099s to your employees at the end of the year. If you are switching payroll providers, we will send them your yearly data, and that responsibility will fall on them.

With over 15 years of experience working with and for trucking companies, Melisa has no problem understanding the complications that come with trucking payroll and with navigating special circumstances. Before coming to Superior Trucking Payroll Service, in 2011, Melisa worked for a trucking company with 50 trucks.  She was the one who processed the driver’s miles and expenses.

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