Employee Check-Ins to Retain Quality Drivers

Employee Check-Ins to Retain Quality Drivers

Now a check-in is different than a review, a review is typically done by a company about once a year and covers work performance for the entire year, and is usually one-sided.

Often, employees don’t look forward to them, you don’t look forward to them, and that’s what we want to try to avoid.

We suggest check-ins. They are a lot less intimidating, less formal, and give a chance to offer feedback to both the employee and the employer.

At Superior Trucking Payroll Service, we do check-ins once a quarter. So, every three months, our employees and their supervisors sit down, whether it be on the phone, zoom, or in person, to go over everything. It’s a great time to remind each other of expectations.

It doesn’t have to be this big formal thing, it can be a 10-15 minute chat. The bottom line is to set aside time to sit down and talk to your employees.

We find check-ins to be a crucial tool in retaining quality drivers because it shows your employees that you are listening, that you value their feedback, and that you actually care about them.

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