Tax Amnesty for Truckers in Michigan

If you’ve watched any local tv in Michigan, you’ve probably seen the commercials for tax amnesty in Michigan.  The commercials often have people making up reasons for not filing or paying like “it was cloudy so my solar powered caluculator wouldn’t work” and other excuses.  Well did you know that this amnesty can help truckers too?  Not only can you use this to file and pay Michigan Income Taxes late without penalty but you can also file and pay things like your late IFTA forms!  Many people don’t think of IFTA as a state tax but it is listed in the taxes that amnesty can be used to waive the penalties. You’ll need to file and pay by June 30, 2011 and you’ll need to complete some extra forms but the penalty savings should make it worth your time.  If you need any help, call your tax preparer of you can email me at [email protected].  Here’s a link to the details on the amnesty program.,1607,7-238-57091—,00.html

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